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6 Hot Tub Exercises for Low-Impact Fitness

Are you looking for a fun and effective way to stay fit without putting too much strain on your joints? Hot tub exercises may be the perfect solution for you. Whether you’re recovering from an injury or simply looking for a low-impact workout, exercising in a hot tub can help you improve your fitness level while enjoying the relaxing benefits of warm water therapy.

Hot tubs have long been known for their therapeutic properties, providing relief for sore muscles, arthritis pain, and stress. But did you know that they can also be used as a tool for low-impact exercise? Whether you’re a beginner or a seasoned athlete, hot tub workouts can help you achieve your fitness goals gently and enjoyably.

Why Hot Tubs Are Good For Exercise

Exercising in a hot tub offers many benefits that traditional land-based workouts may not provide. The warmth of the water helps to relax muscles, reduce joint pain, and increase circulation, making it easier to move and stretch without discomfort. The buoyancy of the water also reduces the impact on your joints, allowing you to perform exercises with less strain and risk of injury.

Additionally, the resistance of the water helps to strengthen muscles as you move against it, providing a challenging workout without the need for heavy weights or equipment. This makes hot tub exercises ideal for those with arthritis, fibromyalgia, or other conditions that may limit their ability to perform high-impact activities.

Hot tub exercises can also help improve flexibility and range of motion, as the warm water allows your muscles to relax and stretch more easily. This can be especially beneficial for those recovering from injuries or surgeries, as it allows them to gently work on rebuilding strength and mobility without putting too much stress on their bodies.

Low-Impact Hot Tub Exercises

1. Calf Raises

Start by standing on the floor of the hot tub with your feet hip-width apart. Slowly lift yourself up onto your toes, then lower back down to the starting position. Repeat this movement for 10-15 reps to work your calf muscles and improve balance.

2. Water Walking

Walk or jog in place in the hot tub, focusing on lifting your knees high and engaging your core muscles.
Another effective hot tub exercise is the water bicycle. Simply sit on the edge of the tub with your legs in the water, then pedal them as if you’re riding a bicycle. This exercise can help strengthen your leg muscles and improve circulation.

3. Leg Lifts

Sit on the edge of the hot tub with your legs extended in front of you. Lift one leg as high as you can, then lower it back down. Repeat on the other leg. This exercise can help strengthen your core and improve hip flexibility.

4. Arm Circles

Stand in the hot tub with your arms extended out to the sides. Make small circles with your arms, gradually increasing the size of the circles. This exercise can help improve shoulder mobility and strengthen the muscles in your arms.

5. Water Resistance Exercises

Use water weights or resistance bands to perform exercises like chest presses, rows, and shoulder presses in the hot tub. The resistance of the water will challenge your muscles and help you build strength without putting too much strain on your joints.

6. Functional Stretches

Finish your hot tub workout with some functional stretches to help improve flexibility and prevent muscle tightness. Try stretches like toe touches, seated hamstring stretches, and shoulder stretches to target different areas of the body.

Remember to listen to your body and only do exercises that feel comfortable and safe for you. If you have any medical conditions or concerns, it’s always a good idea to consult with a healthcare professional.

Find the Perfect Hot Tub For You

Bassemiers’ Jacuzzi Hot Tubs of Evansville offers everything you need for full rejuvenation, and at the heart of our experience, is allowing you to try before you buy. This way, you get to decide what fits your needs before you take it home – not the other way around. Browse our selection or visit us in-store to find the perfect hot tub for you!